The Pride Comedy Festival, presented by Comic Cure, will take place on Wednesday, March 15. There will be a show at 7 p.m. and a show at 9 p.m.
More than 20 comedians will be showcasing their best acts on stage at Franky Bradley's.
“The LGBTQIAP community has some incredible comedic talent,” Richy Leis, Comic Cure's creative director, stated in a press release.
“Comedy provides a wonderful platform to share unique and important perspectives. It’s our goal to use the unifying power of laughter to uplift and engage this community in the midst of challenge and adversity.”
A portion of the event's proceeds will be donated to the William Way LGBT Community Center. Tickets are $20 in advance and $30 at the door. A two-item minimum purchase of food or beverage at the venue is also required.
Pride Comedy Fest
Wednesday, March 15
7 p.m. or 9 p.m. | $20-$30 per person
Franky Bradley’s
1320 Chancellor St.