October 13, 2017
McGillin's Old Ale House is a rather popular destination for Uber users on Thanksgiving Eve.
Can you feel it? Halloween is right around the corner! Trick-or-treating! Scary stuff! Shameless linking to my own articles! (Here's another one!)
It's around this time when we begin to speculate: What random places do we think are haunted? To satisfy this appetite, CBS3 interviewed the owner of McGillin's, the oldest continuously running bar in Philly.
The tavern's general manager Christopher Mullens Jr. told CBS3 that the bar, which has been serving Philadelphians since 1860, is absolutely, most definitely haunted:
“We know it’s haunted; there is no doubt about that,” said Mullens Jr. “There will be mysterious pots flying or lights flickering or just random weird little things, objects moving… We just hope it’s never knives. It happens all the time.”
Not surprising. I have often been haunted by the hangover of $3 Citywide specials, painfully off-key karaoke singers and the Friday night crowds of college kids who swarm McGillin's.
Mullens Jr. told CBS3 that many think it's the ghost of Catherine “Ma” McGillin, one of the bar's original owners, who still roams the establishment. I would speculate this is an appropriately timed attempt to drum up business to an already popular bar.