Police: Man charged with DWI after walking into trooper's car

Don't drink and driver (or idle)
User @joeshark/Twitter
It's not even the end of the month, but over the weekend, a New York man made it that much easier for a state trooper to fill his quota. 

Authorities say that man in Brunswick, near Albany, thought it would be a good idea on Saturday night to walk right into a state trooper's car while visibly intoxicated

The trooper pulled into a gas station and began to fuel up when a 50-year-old man from nearby Troy pulled in and parked alongside the squad car. Police say he then proceeded to step out of his car and into the trooper's car. 

Officials say the trooper immediately began to question the man, who failed a field sobriety test and had a blood-alcohol content of 0.18, more than twice the legal limit. He was arrested and charged with DWI. 

Read the entire article here.