PhillyVoice's 'This Week in Philly' Quizzo round (July 2-8)

Trivia questions about the week that just was in the city, region and country

Fourth of July
A group of Aztec performers make their way through Fairmount after attending Monday's Wawa Welcome America festivities on the Ben Franklin Parkway. (They're not mentioned in this week's Quizzo quiz, though. Just a cool picture to included in the weekly roundup!)
Brian Hickey/PhillyVoice

Welcome to the latest installment of PhillyVoice’s “This Week in Philly” Quizzo round feature.

Each Friday, we’ll offer trivia questions from stories we’ve covered over the course of the past week. Sure, the only prize is the personal pride of not scrolling down to the bottom of the story to see the answers before thinking of them yourselves. But that counts for something, doesn’t it?

So with no further ado, here are 10 questions about the people, places, events and more that made the past week so special.


1. How many Silverliner V trains was SEPTA forced to remove from service after a structural flaw was found?

2. The opinion of what locally born TV star forced a four-way tie atop last week’s Definitive Shore-Town Power Rankings?

3. What four towns were tied atop the Shore-Town Power Ranking because of the aforementioned star’s opinion?

4. Fill In The Blank (Headline Edition): "You no longer have to dish out $___ to use the adult pool in No Libs"

5. What have investigators taken to calling a serial bank robber believed to be responsible for at least 10 robberies in Montgomery and Bucks counties?

6. Nearly how many residents of Camden, Gloucester and Burlington Counties could be hit with higher taxes if Gov. Chris Christie withdraws an agreement that exempts Pennsylvanians who work in New Jersey from paying income tax on their salaries and wages to NJ?

7. What’s the name of the pop-up park that’s slated to open along the Benjamin Franklin Parkway on July 15?

8. Earlier this week, Mayor Jim Kenney lifted a dormant four-year ban on what activity?

9. Which Phillies player was named to the National League all-star team?

10. With the 24th pick in the NBA draft, the Sixers selected a 6-foot-6 player from France. His first name is Timothe, and he signed his rookie contract this week. Spell his hyphenated last name.

Bonus Question: Who said this "Quote of the Week"? "He's a big guy, but he really doesn't have a chesty sound because he's reproducing the words right in front of his lips. He's always pursing his lips. He doesn't open his mouth as an actor does, or someone who has been trained to think."

Hayden Mitman/PhillyVoiceSEPTA Regional Rail riders await a train at the Cornwells Heights station on Tuesday, July 5, 2016. Service is expected to be impacted for a few months after the discovery of a structural defect caused the agency to remove 120 cars – about 13,000 seats or one-third of all SEPTA's Regional Rail trains – for the foreseeable future.


1. 120

2. Rob McElhenney of "It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia"

3. North Wildwood, Avalon, Sea Isle, Atlantic City

4. $700

5. “The Straw Hat Bandit”

6. An estimated $100,000

7. The Oval

8. Feeding the homeless in public parks

9. Odubel Herrera

10. Luwawu-Cabarrot

Bonus answer: Donald Trump impersonator John Di Domenico