Welcome to the latest installment of PhillyVoice’s “This Week in Philly” Quizzo round feature.
Each Friday, we’ll offer trivia questions from stories we’ve covered over the course of the past week. Sure, the only prize is the personal pride of not scrolling down to the bottom of the story to see the answers before thinking of them yourselves. But that counts for something, doesn’t it?
So with no further ado, here are 10 questions about the people, places, events and more that made the past week so special.
- PhillyVoice's 'This Week in Philly' Quizzo round (April 23-29)
- PhillyVoice's 'This Week in Philly' Quizzo round (April 16-22)
- PhillyVoice's 'This Week in Philly' Quizzo round (April 9-15)
1. A nearly 300-year-old letter housed at the Historical Society of Pennsylvania tells of treasure buried beneath what Philadelphia neighborhood?
2. The Pennsylvania House’s Consumer Affairs Committee voted 23-2 this week to advance legislation legalizing what two ride-sharing services?
3. A Bucks County barbecue joint gave away 150 free sandwiches as part of an effort to make a statement against what Philadelphia athlete?
4. What NFL team drafted Will Parks, who graduated from the since-shuttered Germantown High School and the University of Arizona?
5. A homeless housing center that opened in Chinatown this week is named after what noteworthy recent visitor to Philadelphia?
6. Between last Friday and this Tuesday, how many banks were robbed in Center City?
7. Name the two well-known national political figures expected to attend the University of Pennsylvania’s commencement ceremony on May 15.
8. What Philadelphia museum announced it would host a one-night-only beer garden on May 26?
9. According to Jimmy Kempski’s draft grades, put the four NFC East teams (Cowboys, Eagles, Giants and Redskins) in best-to-worst order.
10. What three members of Philadelphia City Council spoke at a soda-tax protest outside City Hall on Wednesday?
Bonus question: Who said this “Quote of the Week”? “A field guide was written that actually enables people to do that. It’s in print. ‘That Gunk on Your Car.’ People use it to identify splattered bugs on their windshields.”
1. Society Hill
3. Sam Bradford
5. Pope Francis
6. 6
7. Vice President Joe Biden, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump
9. Giants (B+), Redskins (B), Eagles (C+), Cowboys (D)
10. Jannie Blackwell, Maria Quinones-Sanchez and Al Taubenberger
Bonus “Quote of the Week” answer: Academy of Natural Sciences at Drexel University Entomology Collection Manager Jason Weintraub