Welcome to PhillyVoice’s second weekly quiz about quotes that appeared in our stories during the past week. Fun and educational times lay ahead!
The quotes come from a wide array of topics, so if you’re looking to get a leg up on the competition (in a contest for which the prize is personal pride), keep reading stories from the worlds of news, entertainment and sports.
The answers are tucked at the bottom of each post (with the context available via hyperlink). We will know – and tell everybody – if you scrolled down and illicitly claimed you went 10 for 10. Real talk.
Away we go!
The Barbour family in their Maple Shade home. (Thom Carroll / PhillyVoice)
Possible answers:
Lora Barbour, medicinal-marijuana mother; Linus Curci, illustrator; Jimmy Kempski, Birds' guy at PhillyVoice; Jim Kenney, Philadelphia mayor-elect; Michael Nutter, Philadelphia current mayor;" Candace Quarrels, portraying Nabulungi in "The Book of Mormon;" Charlie Sheen, celebrity; Dr. Diane Spatz, CHOP director of lactation; Mark Vetri, chef; Trish Wellenbach, Please Touch Museum CEO-in-waiting.
1. “Air Bud would be better than what Riley Cooper and Miles Austin have given the Eagles so far this season.”
2. “She … just wants to help everyone in her village and make friends and gets her feelings hurt along the way but learns a lot of lessons as well.”
3. “I’m like a good Breaking Bad.”
4. “This is not a coal mine in Pennsylvania back in the 1930s. This is Philadelphia, Pa., USA, almost 2016.”
5. "I felt like I was drawing with my other hand until I transitioned. It just set me free."
6. "A dollar is fine. Sometimes a $5 gift is just as important as a $5,000 donation from someone else."
7. “I have to put a stop to this onslaught, this barrage of attacks and of sub-truths and very harmful and mercurial stories that are about me.”
8. "We would have to buy our donor milk back."
9. “I’m talking about touch, feel, smell, things like that.”
10. “The bottom line here is as we always say — be safe, be calm, but be alert. Other than that, come out and have a good time."
Illustrations by Curci, entitled (from left to right) "El 2," and "30th St." (Thom Carroll / PhillyVoice)