November 08, 2018
Are you looking for a way to give back to your Philadelphia community this holiday season? Helping Hands Philadelphia is organizing its 3rd Annual Thanksgiving Turkey Drive, which will provide 200 families in Philadelphia with a turkey dinner on Thanksgiving.
The organization is partnering with Whole Foods to provide the organic and locally sourced turkey dinners, which include whole turkeys, produce, and canned goods. Eco-conscious recyclable bags will be used to distribute the dinners to selected families in Point Breeze and Kensington.
Make a donation at www.helpinghandsphiladelphia.com to support the annual drive and kindly spread the word.
Please reach out to hello@helpinghandsphiladelphia.com if you are interested in future volunteer opportunities or would like more information about what events and growth opportunities are being planned in your neighborhood.
Helping Hands Philadelphia wants to ensure that residents, old and new, come together to continue the upward momentum of the communities in a positive way by providing continuous support through community events and educational opportunities.
Streamline, a Philadelphia-based residential and commercial real estate developer sponsors Helping Hands Philadelphia and is aiming to give back to communities that are experiencing this boost of urban renewal.
“I think it’s our obligation to be socially responsible and try to make sure that we’re giving back in the community that’s helping us grow our company.” - Sean Schellenger, Co-Founder, Streamline
Together, Streamline and Helping Hands Philadelphia are committed to making positive changes in the Philadelphia communities.