December 01, 2016
Philly Style Bagels was once a pop-up operation working out of Pizzeria Beddia; now there's a Philly Style Bagels shop in Fishtown with the best new sandwich in America. It seems the shop's owners, Collin Shapiro and Jonathon Zilber, haven't forgotten their roots, however.
A Colombian cuisine pop-up called Usaquén -- pronounced "oo-sah-ken" -- has been at Philly Style Bagels on various weekend nights over the past two months, usually on the first Friday of the month.
Through Instagram posts and word-of-mouth, Usaquén is making itself known. The time of the next pop-up was just announced on the social media platform.
Those interested in dishes like chicken empanadas and coconut rice should head to Philly Style Bagels on Dec. 2 from 6-10 p.m. for the next pop-up event. It will be the fourth time Usaquén has set up shop in the space after-hours.
Friday, Dec. 2
6-10 p.m. | Pay-as-you-go
Philly Style Bagels
1451 E. Columbia Ave.