January 26, 2017
Protests continued for hours, passing Reading Terminal Market and zig-zagging throughout Center City, Thursday, Jan. 26, 2017.
A long, loud, peaceful day of protests against President Donald Trump, who was briefly in Philadelphia on Thursday for the congressional Republican retreat, continued well past sundown with crowds marching through Center City heavily trailed by police.
The intersection of 12th and Walnut was completely engulfed by protesters and others marching, Thursday, Jan. 26, 2017.
Protests that began on Wednesday night, many marked by signs and chants against the new administration, grew significantly on Thursday as Trump delivered an address to GOP leaders inside the Loews Philadelphia Hotel.
Police hold a line as protesters march through Center city, disrupting traffic for hours on Thursday, Jan. 26, 2017.
But those who marched in Center City pushed back against the substance of that vision, large parts of which have divided Americans throughout Trump's provocative presidential run and into his first days in office. Below are scenes from Thursday night's protests.
Hundreds of protesters filled Broad Street near the Union League and Wells Fargo hours after President Donald Trump met with with congressional Republicans at the Loews Hotel, Thursday, Jan. 26, 2017.
Shutting the streets down in #Philly #PhillyResistance pic.twitter.com/QBzcwiACSG
— Summer (@StripsintheCity) January 27, 2017
descending on Union League, philly #resist #PhillyResistance #philly @IndivisibleTeam pic.twitter.com/UvT6X3xgB3
— Avi Wisnia (@AviWisnia) January 27, 2017
#ourstreets #LoveTrumpsHate #trumpinphilly pic.twitter.com/BB5QYAvyEk
— Elisabeth Burnor (@Lisbeth_Burnor) January 26, 2017
Police estimate more than 2000 Anti-Trump protesters outside Loews hotel tonight #shameontrump #PhillyResistance ✊🏽
— GayDaysLA 🏳️🌈📆🌴 (@gaydaysLA) January 27, 2017
Keeping it local! #PhillyResistance pic.twitter.com/jeL3pEKF2S
— Mean Fat Girl (@Artists_Ali) January 27, 2017
Massive resistance to the regressive agenda tonight in Philadelphia #TrumpinPhilly pic.twitter.com/5CIWFkNPGL
— Women's Law Project (@WomensLawProj) January 26, 2017
Don't come to our city, strip our funding, use our police, and expect us to pay for it @GOP! I want a refund! #PhillyResistance #phillymarch pic.twitter.com/R2QchTlsLw
— Steve Seminelli (@SteveSem) January 27, 2017
Look at this shit #GOPretreat #PhillyResistance pic.twitter.com/1iprUcnuLi
— Mean Fat Girl (@Artists_Ali) January 27, 2017
Dear Donald. scenes from The Resistance #resist #PhillyResistance #philly @IndivisibleTeam pic.twitter.com/zsFHXpazB8
— Avi Wisnia (@AviWisnia) January 26, 2017
City Hall #dillworthpark #ResistanceInPhilly #PhillyResistance #phillymarch pic.twitter.com/wFUM8l7gt8
— No Signal (@Jenn_M_Brady) January 26, 2017
#trumpinphilly #loewsprotest pic.twitter.com/n0Qzny2Zuc
— Joseph Russell (@thegreengrass) January 26, 2017
@PhillyBloco and my roommate Josh drumming for the #PhillyResistance #phillymarch. Killing it! pic.twitter.com/PvW7omO5Gp
— Jack Keefe (@jackferd) January 26, 2017
#PhillyResistance #thisiswhatdemocracylookslike @POTUS pic.twitter.com/873edt6Etl
— Rachel Dalinka (@RachelDalinka) January 26, 2017
@POTUS #PhillyResistance We will not stop! pic.twitter.com/VlGKcKWCgO
— Rachel Dalinka (@RachelDalinka) January 26, 2017
"always let your conscience be your guide" #PhillyResistance #phillymarch #TrumpInPhilly pic.twitter.com/BcM8x10RRF
— La Reyna (@DaniRay21) January 27, 2017
#NoDAPL #PhillyResistance #phillymarch #TrumpInPhilly #standingrock pic.twitter.com/sRLdGW0mJl
— La Reyna (@DaniRay21) January 27, 2017
why we march. #resist #PhillyResistance #philly @IndivisibleTeam #healthcare #WhyWeMarch pic.twitter.com/Rvfqu3SoVw
— Avi Wisnia (@AviWisnia) January 26, 2017
Protests outside school. Stay strong Philly, stay together ♡ pic.twitter.com/GC4agHoDJV
— 2nd Life Rave Scent (@TheNeonFox) January 26, 2017
Couple carries LGBT pride flag outside Union League of Philadelphia.
Protesters gather in Center City.
Police presence outside Union League of Philadelphia.
Protesters march through streets of Center City.
Philadelphia police trail protesters from 15th Street onto Walnut Street.
Protester carries “Liar in Chief” sign at Dilworth Plaza.
Philadelphia police patrol Sansom Street in Center City.
Protesters hold signs outside City Hall.
Protesters gather outside SEPTA's 13th Street Station.
This is what democracy looks like. #Philly #PhillyResistance #DumpTrump pic.twitter.com/tBiWDF6U8q
— Sarah Elizabeth (@SarahTheNana) January 27, 2017
#phillymarch pic.twitter.com/Y0iySnY0bh
— Tania Gail (@TaniaGailPhotos) January 27, 2017