April 21, 2023
Warren Bloom, a pastor and block captain, is running for mayor of Philadelphia as a Democrat in the May 16 primary election. He has campaign platform includes advocating for 'prayer in this city' across all faiths.
A frequent candidate for political office, Warren Bloom has thrown his hat in the ring yet again with his run for mayor of Philadelphia.
Bloom, a pastor with the Bible Ministries Fellowship Church, has already appeared on local ballots at least half a dozen times, prior to the May 16 primary election. He mounted unsuccessful campaigns for Democratic city commissioner seats in 2003, 2007, 2011 and 2019, and made a bid for Pennsylvania General Assembly in the 195th District in 2010 as an independent. A 2013 run for traffic court judge, as a Democrat, also ended in defeat. Bloom currently is the acting committee member for 5th Division of the city 6th Ward in West Philly.
"I have over 40 years of experience in public service and I think Philadelphia needs a homegrown mayor," Bloom told PhillyVoice earlier this year. "I am the only block captain in this race, so I have a clearer sense of what's really going on in the streets."
During one of his previous campaigns, Bloom courted controversy over his past criminal charges. He pleaded guilty in 1992 to charges of indecent assault, simple assault and corrupting a minor, receiving probation. Bloom later claimed his plea was a mistake because "at the time, I didn't know what 'no contest' was."
It also has been revealed that Bloom reportedly owed $20,000 in business and real estate taxes, and he had his driver's license revoked prior to seeking office as a traffic court judge, but continued to drive without it.
Bloom's fitness for office was further called into question when he told the Inquirer that, if elected traffic court judge, he intended to set three-year limits on parking tickets. The traffic court is not involved with parking disputes, and only handles moving violations.
Some of his pet issues, which Bloom lists in all caps on his website, include strengthening public schools, worker and union rights and improved access to health care. Bloom also supports increasing the minimum wage to $15 per hour. He signed onto Waste Free Philly's five-point mayoral agenda in February.
"We have to reduce the level of violence," he said. "We have to change the environment, what we're hearing. And I'm on the love frequency, I believe that love conquers all. We are the city of brotherly love and sisterly affection, and I wanna put that in place and make sure we are loving on each other."
Bloom further advocates for "prayer in this city," calling on "churches from all over the city, synagogues, whatever religion or faith you are to come together and pray for this city on a collective basis."
Bloom attended Shoemaker Elementary and Overbrook High School before studying communications at Cheyney University for two and a half years, according to his website. He lives in the Haverford North neighborhood of West Philly.
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