June 27, 2017
The ball pit and rock climbing wall inside a home for sale in Philadelphia's Spring Garden neighborhood.
Snuggled into a quaint block in Philadelphia's Spring Garden neighborhood, this Victorian-style home features four bedrooms, three-and-a-half baths and a number of amenities that blah blah blah.
Look, the reason you're buying this home for sale, located at 2124 Mount Vernon St., is because it has a playroom that features a ball pit and a rock climbing wall that ascends above said ball pit.
Philly Curbed first pointed out this real estate listing, which prices the home at $1.1 million. Inexplicably, the online listing advertises a number of aspects of the home — the deck, the "spectacular arched stairway," the extra cabinet storage — but fails to mention that the home includes a ball pit with a rock climbing wall.
It appears from the virtual tour that the pit and wall were obviously built for young children, so it would be a big sweetener for families — or a wealthy bachelor or bachelorette looking for the most unique way to entertain party guests.
Of course, you could always drop about $1,000 for your own pit, like this vlogging family below did:
You can view the full listing at Coldwell Banker Homes here.