October 10, 2019
The Philadelphia Fire Department will hold a citywide fire drill at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 10, 2019. The drill is part of national Fire Prevention Week.
Philadelphia residents can expect a loud display from the fire department Thursday night as stations citywide conduct a fire drill.
The drill is part of National Fire Prevention Week and is meant to encourage residents to practice preparedness in the event of a fire.
At 7:30 p.m., all 63 Philadelphia fire stations will sound their fire alarms at once.
"When you hear your local companies sound their sirens, put your plan to the test," the fire department said on Facebook. "Everyone — including pets! — should be out of the house within two minutes."
As part of the drill, firefighters will stage a response at the home of a fire lieutenant in Wynnewood, simulating how the family would conduct an evacuation.
Residents are urged to develop a safe home escape plan that gives individuals and families the best chance of surviving in the event of a fire.