Philly-based artist sculpts impossible worlds out of wood

'Cool Shelter' exhibits Luke O'Sullivan's fantastical dioramas

A close-up of Luke O'Sullivan's work in "Cool Shelter."
Luke O'Sullivan/Paradigm Gallery

Paradigm Gallery's latest exhibit, "Cool Shelter," features the work of Luke O'Sullivan, a Boston-born artist currently living and working in Philadelphia. O'Sullivan creates vast worlds in miniature, sculpting dense, industrial urban dioramas out of paper and wood. 

Open now, "Cool Shelter" features these three-dimensional creations, which juxtapose a modern cityscape with subterranean worlds below. O'Sullivan plays with dimension and texture in his work, layering two-dimensional screen-printed drawings atop sculpted wood patterns.  

In an artist's statement, O'Sullivan said, "Often inspired by dystopian and science fiction films, I combine recognizable architectural forms and impossible buildings to make diorama-esque works. Early Nintendo games, animations, and maps of caves helped shape my imagination and approach to drawing." 

O'Sullivan's work is for sale through Paradigm, with framed screen prints going for $250 each and sculptures ranging from $800 to $5,000.

Cool Shelter

Now through Saturday, August 22
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays Noon-6 p.m. or by appointment| Free admission
Paradigm Gallery
746 S. 4th St., 1st Floor
(267) 266-0073