October 27, 2017
Create a Cheer Zone to support marathon runners.
The AACR Philadelphia Marathon is quickly approaching. On Sunday, Nov. 19, runners will race through the city, giving their all to cross the finish line.
Many runners tackling the 26.2-mile course will have trained for months in preparation. To support their efforts, the Philadelphia Marathon is looking for Cheer Zone participants.
"Ask any distance runner and they will tell you how much cheering means. A run of 26.2 miles is grueling but a supportive crowd can really provide a psychological lift," Leo Dignam, Philadelphia Marathon executive director, explained.
“Cheering, clapping, yelling, cowbells, bang sticks, high fives. Any distraction to make the next few steps disappear," said Ross Martinson, Philadelphia Runner co-owner.
According to the Philadelphia Marathon, they're looking for local community groups, church groups, PTA groups and similar organizations to get involved.
Stipends range from $250 to $1,000 depending on group participation. There are also opportunities for those offering entertainment on the course, such as musicians. Entertainment rates range from $500 to $1,000.
Cheer Zones are needed for the half marathon on Saturday, Nov. 18, and for the marathon the next morning.
Those interested can email cheerzones@philadelphiamarathon.com for more information.
Don't want to stand on the sidelines? There's still time to register for the marathon, the half-marathon and the 8K.