April 19, 2015
You thought Chip Kelly's Eagles were a media circus over the past few months of the offseason?
You haven't seen anything yet.
Tim Tebow, a man whose name alone incites intense reactions of both love and ire from fans, journalists and television personalities all over the country, will reportedly sign with the Philadelphia Eagles on Monday.
Eagles fans -- and pretty much everyone else -- are already losing their minds.
98,000 tweets on Tim Tebow in last hour.
— Darren Rovell (@darrenrovell) April 19, 2015
(DISCLAIMER: Some tweets contain explicit language.)
From the optimistic:
Tim Tebow will make his was up the depth chart till he is second string. Then when Bradford gets hurt he'll start. And win. Mark it down.
— Ryan Rentfro (@RyanRentfro72) April 19, 2015
Tim Tebow will win 5 super bowl rings 💯
— Femi (@GO__MD) April 19, 2015
— John Cena (@Lalokssta) April 19, 2015
Tim Tebow, comeback player of the year, super bowl 50 MVP.
— Def Not Rusty (@Selflessniceguy) April 19, 2015
This is why Tim Tebow can't have nice things. How many teams want a third-string player with this much attention?
— Jacob Dearlove (@jacobdearlove) April 20, 2015
Tim Tebow is a stupid 3rd string QB yet that's all people are talking about
— Brendan Severo (@MWCRedskin) April 19, 2015
Tim Tebow coming out of retirement so everyone can have a good laugh on Sunday's.
— Tyler Hickman (@TylerHickman9) April 19, 2015
Never been an @Eagles fan but I just may give them a look if they do sign @TimTebow tomorrow.
— Frank Corder (@frankcorder) April 20, 2015
Guess I'm an Eagles fan now! @TimTebow
— Dawn Nelson (@Nelson_DawnA) April 19, 2015
Tim Tebow might actually get me to watch the Eagles more often 👀🔥
— Amanda (@stainlessteele) April 19, 2015
To the confused and angry:
My reaction when I found out the Eagles signed Tim Tebow pic.twitter.com/VNwfxNlOLD
— SoccerIsLife15 (@PrimeTime15D) April 20, 2015
WHY, CHIP, WHYYYYYY?!?! #EAGLES https://t.co/N40kkeI1xw
— Marce JP (@MJeanious) April 19, 2015
Why the hell are we signing Tim Tebow??? Smdh #eagles #eaglesnation
— Sir Dennis Morrow (@TheGreatKingSIR) April 19, 2015
Why, just why? #EaglesNation
— Cory (@Close2thePin) April 19, 2015
To the "I'll make the same joke everyone else is making and hope none of my followers notice":
With Chip Kelly, Bradford, Sanchize, and Tim Tebow involved, the Eagles are now heavy favorites to win the 2010 BCS Title.
— Matthew Broad (@matthewjbroad) April 19, 2015
Tim Tebow to the Eagles is like the 2009 BCS National Championship Game all over again! pic.twitter.com/hEGHJvOoz9
— Campus Insiders (@CampusInsiders) April 19, 2015
Matt Barkley, Sam Bradford, Mark Sanchez, and Tim Tebow, all on the same team. Your 2009 BCS Champion Philadelphia Eagles!
— Martin (@Heisenbergkamp) April 19, 2015
The #Eagles sign Tim Tebow. Chip Kelly is really gunning for that 2010 BCS Championship!
— Eric the Red (@Red001) April 19, 2015
To the silly and absurd:
Chip is Pearl Krabs trying to get herself fired from the Krusty Krab. This is Jeff Lurie: pic.twitter.com/mJ8hASIC4Y
— Jesus Zoidberg (@JesusZoidberg) April 20, 2015
for gods sake find out what tebows favorite meme is!!
— Marcus Mareo Hotah (@OhWowHmm) April 20, 2015
Some weather we're having pic.twitter.com/ariS14Nwlp
— Zoo With Roy (@zoowithroy) April 19, 2015
Who will ask Tebow about Eagles fans throwing snowballs at Santa
— FanSince09 (@FanSince09) April 20, 2015
I guess the plan now is to bring in all of Riley Cooper's Florida teammates. Well, not ALL of them...
— FakeWIPCaller (@FakeWIPCaller) April 20, 2015
The real winner in all of this, however, is a certain television network:
ESPN production meetings right now. #TEBOW #TurnUP pic.twitter.com/Ja9s3n3MJZ
— Robert Klemko (@RobertKlemko) April 19, 2015
And one of that network's employees: