Pennsylvania testing statewide work-zone speed-camera program

PennDOT work zones
PennDOT will soon deploy automatic speed cameras in work zones across Pennsylvania, issuing violation notices and fines to drivers who exceed posted speed limits at designated zones.

Pennsylvania motorists will soon be facing fines for speeding through work zones at locations across the state.

PennDOT will initiate a 60-day pilot program next week of the state's new automated, work-zone, speed-enforcement initiative, which was established by law in 2018 to protect workers and drivers.

"Last year, 23 motorists were killed in a Pennsylvania work zone," PennDOT secretary Leslie S. Richards said. "Through this program we are urging motorists to slow down and pay attention while driving, especially in work zones where roadway conditions can change on a daily basis."

When the pilot program begins next week, there will be two-month-long pre-enforcement period while PennDOT collects data. Only two vehicle-mounted cameras will initially be deployed, one on the Pennsylvania Turnpike and another on I-78 in Berks County.

Eventually, 17 cameras will be deployed at locations across Pennsylvania. Notices will be posted ahead of monitored areas and violations will be given to those who are clocked at 11 mph or more above the posted work-zone speed limit.

Once enforcement begins, the registered owner of the vehicle will receive a warning letter for a first offense, a violation notice and $75 fine for a second offense, and a violation notice and $150 fine for third and subsequent offenses.

The violations are considered civil penalties and won't results in points on a person's driver's license.

Pennsylvania recorded 1,804 work-zone crashes in 2018, prompting legislators to take more aggressive action to prevent accidents on the highway.