January 26, 2017
Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish in Weston, Pennsylvania.
A Pennsylvania priest has issued a belated apology for the offensive meme he shared on Facebook criticizing participants in the women's marches that took place last Saturday in cities around the world.
According to the Associated Press, the Rev. Patrick McDowell, a 74-year-old pastor of Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish in Weston, Luzerne County, took to the social network to "fat shame" the women who had organized en masse to object to the sexism and advocate for equality and respect in the wake of Donald Trump's inauguration.
"In one day, Trump got more fat women out walking than Michelle Obama did in 8 years," read the meme McDowell shared.
When the status update backfired against McDowell with a flood of angry comments, he decided to come clean about his hypocrisy.
"Not in a position to criticize people who are overweight," said McDowell, who stands 5'6'' and weighs 230 pounds.
The priest added that his remark was motivated by his opposition to abortion, the only reason he even identifies as a Republican.
In a statement, the Diocese of Scranton said it does not condone "commentary that is politically motivated or socially irresponsible or insensitive," all of which McDowell's Facebook post managed to be.
Multiple reports of the meme's circulation by leaders of conservative political organizations also surfaced this week and prompted similar outrage among some.