Northbound section of I-95 in Port Richmond to remain closed into weekend

Repairs were delayed by rain after a truck carrying an oversized load hit a railroad bridge Monday.

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Detours have been set up this week to maneuver around closures on I-95 after truck carrying an oversized load hit a railroad bridge Monday.
Daniella Heminghaus/Bucks County Courier Times / USA TODAY NETWORK

After initially predicting that I-95 in Port Richmond would reopen by this weekend, officials now say they need a few more days for repairs. 

A northbound section of I-95 closed after a truck carrying an oversized load hit a railroad bridge Monday afternoon. Officials closed the area near the Betsy Ross Bridge and Aramingo Avenue interchange as well as the Castor Avenue I-95 on-ramp and traffic has been filtering through detours. 

PennDOT and construction company Conrail originally predicted the interstate would be back up and running by this weekend, just in time for WrestleMania. But officials said Friday morning that repairs were delayed, but that they would likely be completed in time for Monday morning's commute. 

"Although the work was delayed due to inclement weather, Conrail remains optimistic that the contractor will complete the job expeditiously this weekend," PennDOT said in a statement. 

PennDOT, Philadelphia Police and the Department of Streets are managing the detours, with traffic signal timing adjustments, directing from police and public alerts. Drivers should plan extra time for travel in the coming days. Philadelphia Police are still investigating why the crash occurred. PennDOT approved the route plan ahead of the crash, and police were escorting the truck prior to striking the bridge. However, PennDOT said it was the driver's responsibility to check the bridge clearance.