The Pennsylvania State Senate will vote Wednesday to possibly remove Attorney General Kathleen Kane from office. Senate President Pro Tempore Joe Scarnati announced the decision Monday.
The vote comes after a long, evolving case regarding Kane allegedly leaking secret grand jury information in a retaliation effort to humiliate a colleague and the circulation of pornographic and offensive emails among state officials.
- Kathleen Kane plans on running for reelection
- WATCH: Williams slams Kane on CNN over 'Porngate' scandal
- Report: Prosecutor says Kane received 'Porngate' emails
A committee, formed to decide whether or not to try to remove Kane from office, chose to hold off on a course of action until the Pennsylvania Supreme Court made a decision regarding Kane's request to have her law license reinstated after it was suspended last year.
The court denied Kane's request this month, adding that Justice Michael Eakin -- who faces ethical charges and was suspended for his involvement in the Porngate scandal -- was not involved in the decision.
Chuck Ardo, a spokesperson for Kane, said she views the action as "unwarranted and unconstitutional," adding that she believes it denies her the presumption of innocence.
Kane is scheduled to go on trial in August when she will face charges of perjury, obstruction of justice and related counts.
As FOX43 notes, a two-thirds vote in favor of removal would give Gov. Tom Wolf the ability to have her kicked out of office.
Wolf had originally suggested he would sign off on her removal if the senate voted to do so, but backed off that statement shortly afterward.
Wolf’s office did not immediately respond to a request for comment.