Pa. landlords required to install CO detectors in certain rental units

A homeowner tests a carbon monoxide and smoke detector in the garage of her new home office building.
Chitose Suzuki/AP

Beginning Monday, landlords in Pennsylvania will be required to install carbon monoxide detectors in certain rental units, thanks to a law passed in 2013, Newsworks reports.

Any rental unit that has an attached garage, fossil fuel-burning heater or appliance or fireplace must have a carbon monoxide detector under the law, or landlords will face fines of $50 per unit.

"You don't smell it, you can't see it, but I'll bet they run two gas leaks a week here in the city for various reasons," Lancaster Code Compliance and Inspections Bureau Chief Gary Horning told Newsworks. "And a lot of times, you don't get a second chance."

Tenants will be responsible for maintaining the detectors, including replacing the batteries.