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January 10, 2015

Our kind of bribe: free Chipotle today

Eat the company's tofu one day, get real meat later

Chipotle Sofrita Chipotle's Website/

The new tofu "Sofrita" from Chipotle.

Everyone loves free stuff, and everyone loves Chipotle. So pull out your to-do list because the restaurant chain is offering a free menu item when you buy one of their new "Sofritas" on Monday, Jan. 26. 

What's in a sofrita? According to Chipotle's website: 

We start with organic tofu from Hoda Soy that we shred and then braise with chipotle chills, roasted poblanos, and a blend of aromatic spices. The result is a delicious, spicy tofu that will give vegans and carnivores something they will both love.

Hoda Soy, based in California, prides itself on providing organic, fresh tofu from U.S.  grown tofu beans. A few years ago the company let CHOW in to their beanery for a look at the tofu making process:

So if you sample some really fresh tofu, you get a free burrito. Sounds like a win-win.

Chipotle Philadelphia Locations

Temple University

1100 West Montgomery Avenue

Philadelphia, PA 19122

University City

3925 Walnut Street

Philadelphia, PA 19104

Center City

1512 Walnut Street

Philadelphia, PA 19103

1200 Walnut Street

Philadelphia, PA 19107
