February 20, 2015
The next class series O'Boy! is hosting is called "Book and Cook," where kids will learn about food through a children's story. Participants will make one savory and one sweet food, then make an art project based around the book of choice.
In the coming weeks, there will be two sessions for 6-to-8-year-olds on Sunday, Feb. 22, and Sunday, March 22, and one session for 3-to-5-year-olds on Sunday, March 8.
Interactive classes are a great way to get kids involved in new hobbies. A class like this could inspire the next MasterChef Jr.!
Sundays, February 22, March 8 and March 22
4-5:30 p.m. | $25 per person with a $5 discount for sibling
The Creative Clubhouse
16 E. Eagle Road Havertown, Delaware County
(484) 504-9884