April 12, 2015
The website for the New Jersey Casino Redevelopment Authority (CRDA) was hacked this weekend by people claiming to support the Islamic State, the Press of Atlantic City reports.
As of Sunday, the website - njcrda.com - has been restored and no longer contains the message that was put there by the hackers. However, the Press of Atlantic City grabbed a screenshot of the website during the time it was hacked and transcribed the poorly spelled and grammatically incorrect message:
I am Muslim and I love jihad I love isis <3. A message to all peoples of the world, especially governments. Islamic State List to restore the rights of Muslims who have been killed by your governments savage and unjust. Islamic state will restore dignity for Muslims. Will purge the land of muslims from the hypocrites infidels. It intervenes you will equip you to dwell in cemeteries.
That message was followed by a profane remark regarding the United States and Israel. It also claimed that the hack was done by a group called Team System Dz.