Night Market has announced the neighborhoods it will visit this season

Start making plans to attend all four street food festivals

Night Market
Night Market has announced all the neighborhoods it will visit this summer.
The Food Trust/Night Market

Night Market has announced which neighborhoods it will visit this year.

The traveling street food festival, hosted by The Food Trust, will return for its eighth season on Thursday, May 17. Burholme in the Northeast will be the first stop. The neighborhood also kicked off last year's season.

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The Night Market will also pop up in the Gayborhood this June, in Kensington this August and in Point Breeze this October.

Each Night Market will take place on a Thursday evening. Attendees can enjoy car-free streets, tons of food trucks and mobile vendors, beer gardens and live music.

Start making plans to attend them all.

Night Market Burholme

Thursday, May 17
6-10 p.m. | Pay-as-you-go
Cottman and Rising Sun avenues

Night Market Gayborhood

Thursday, June 21
7-11 p.m. | Pay-as-you-go
13th and Locust streets 

Night Market Kensington 

Thursday, Aug. 9
6-10 p.m. | Pay-as-you-go
Frankford Avenue and York Street 

Night Market Point Breeze 

Thursday, Oct. 4
6-10 p.m. | Pay-as-you-go
20th and Federal streets