June 30, 2022
Put this in the "I really, REALLY doubt this is real, but I truly hope it is" file. A caller identifying himself as "Peter from Maple Shade" called into New York-based radio station WFAN with hosts Boomer Esiason and Gregg Giannotti about an alleged (ALLEGED!) confrontation with Eagles head coach Nick Sirianni.
Here's an excerpt of the discussion between "Peter" and the hosts from Elite Sports NY:
Don’t you dare wear Giants gear to Nick Sirianni’s local park.
A WFAN caller alleged Thursday he almost threw down with the Eagles head coach while playing tennis at Centennial Park in Haddonfield, New Jersey. “Peter from Maple Shade” regaled morning show hosts Boomer Esiason and Gregg Giannotti with the tale, saying Sirianni got upset because Peter — a Bronx native — was wearing a Giants cap.
Peter says he was playing on the court adjacent to Sirianni and his wife when the kerfuffle occurred.
“He goes, ‘Hey, I have a problem with what you are wearing,'” the caller said. “And I go, ‘Listen bro, if you have a problem you come over here and do something about it.'”
The caller claimed Sirianni said he had a problem with someone wearing a Giants cap “on these courts.” Sirianni also allegedly repeatedly said the Giants and head coach Brian Daboll “suck.”
“I’m like, ‘This guy wants to fight,'” the caller said. He claimed Sirianni took a few steps toward him, but the brouhaha ended without further escalation.
Esiason and Giannotti were skeptical. Both pressed the caller on whether Sirianni was just trying to be playful. But the caller insisted Sirianni was serious. [Elite Sports NY]
You can find audio clips of the conversation in the Elite Sports NY article too.
"I got a problem with you wearing that hat on these courts," Sirianni allegedly (ALLEGEDLY!) said to this "Peter" fellow, as if he was an outlaw in the Old West.
Is this real? No, I can't imagine it is, but it's so hilarious and Eagles fans certainly are eating it up on Twitter, so I had to weigh in. Sirianni isn't a character from "The Warriors." I cannot fathom an NFL head coach speaking that way about another one (especially a guy he'll face twice per year) in any sort of public setting.
Sirianni, after talking with a few people from that area, can be frequently seen out and about in Haddonfield apparently, but I obviously did not hear about him doing anything in the realm of something this outrageous. Yes, Sirianni is the ultimate "let me pander to crazed Philly fans" coach, but this takes it to a different stratosphere as if he was a Birds fan from South Philly after crushing a 12 pack.
Again, let me reiterate: This isn't real news and I don't believe it's true (it can't be, right?), but that will not stop Eagles fans from rallying around Sirianni as expectations rise for the Eagles this offseason.
have some huge doubts this is real, but INCREDIBLE "From Here" Philly sicko vibes from Sirianni if this is true https://t.co/waZ330pv5V pic.twitter.com/BFadY0tXMM
— shamus (@shamus_clancy) June 30, 2022
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