Morris Arboretum to host plein air paint night

Eat, drink, paint

Morris Arboretum to host a paint night in the garden.
Courtesy of Morris Arboretum/PhillyVoice

The Morris Arboretum, near Chestnut Hill, will host a plein air paint night on Aug. 24. Outside in the lush landscape, attendees will be able to eat, drink and create an original piece of artwork.

An iconic tree in the Arboretum will serve as inspiration for painters. All skill levels are welcome, as professionals from The Uncorked Artist will be on hand to guide attendees through painting the tree on canvas.

No need to bring art supplies, but do remember to pack your favorite snacks and beverages for the outdoor event.

Tickets are $35 per person (members receive a $5 discount).

Plein Air Paint Party

Wednesday, Aug. 24
5:30-7:30 p.m. | $35 per person
Morris Arboretum
100 E. Northwestern Ave.