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April 08, 2016

McGillin's serving blue beer to celebrate Villanova title

Center City ale house celebrates NCAA Championship with Villanova-themed menu

040816_McGillansVillanova Source/McGillian's Old Ale House

Blue beer served at McGillan's Old Ale House to celebrate Villanova's NCAA Championship on Friday, April 8, 2016.

As thousands of Villanova fans pack Market Street in Center City to celebrate the Wildcats' NCAA Men's Basketball Championship, there's at least one great place to go afterward to escape the blustery cold and keep the party alive with themed refreshments.

McGillin's Old Ale House, located at 1310 Drury St. between Chestnut and Sansom streets, is serving blue beer Friday to honor Villanova's accomplishment, the team's first NCAA title in 31 years (unless you're a sour grapes UNC fan circulating a sad petition to investigate the refs).

McGillin's took to Twitter on Friday to promote several themed offerings for parade-goers.

Several fans already have made their way over Friday afternoon to party like it's 1985, so if you're in the area, stop by to enjoy the special occasion.
