Man reflects on wife's decision to carry to term baby she knows will die

Her hope is to donate the child's organs

An Oklahoma man shared a tribute to his pregnant wife on Facebook reflecting on her decision to carry their baby to term despite knowing that the child, to be born without a brain, will die.

In the post, Royce Young shared a photo of his wife, Keri, who is seen lounging peacefully. What isn’t shown in the photo, but is described in Young’s post, is that Keri is pregnant, and she is far enough along to be able to feel their daughter kicking inside her belly.

But as the couple learned earlier in the pregnancy, the baby, to be named Eva, doesn’t have a brain and is expected to die soon after she is born.

In the post, Young describes the moment he and Keri found out their daughter’s fate and goes on to explain his wife’s instantaneous decision to go forward with the pregnancy in hopes of donating the child’s organs.

"...somehow through full body ugly crying, Keri looked up and asked, 'If I carry her full term, can we donate her organs?,' Young wrote. 

There's another family out there hurting and hoping for a miracle for their baby, knowing full well someone else's baby will need to die first. Eva can be that miracle.”