December 09, 2015
Gingerbread is a seasonal favorite, mainly because it can be made into candy-coated dream homes and men with gumdrop buttons. This December, Sweet Elizabeth's Cakes in Manayunk will host two gingerbread workshops for all ages.
The first, a cookie decorating class, is on Sunday, Dec. 13, and starts at noon. Guests will receive four cookies from the bakery to embellish: a snowflake, snowman, gingerbread man and Christmas tree. In between icing and adorning the cookies with candy, attendees can snack on ready-to-eat cookies and hot chocolate. At the end of the class, everyone will receive a bakery box to transport the treats home. Registration is not required but is encouraged. The hour-and-a-half-long class is $15.
Then on Saturday, Dec. 19, the bakery will offer a gingerbread house workshop beginning at noon. The event is suggested for ages 6 and older, but younger children are invited to participate with parental help. Each guest will receive one undecorated, pre-assembled gingerbread house, a pastry bag filled with royal icing and edible decorations. Cookies and hot chocolate to snack on will also be available. This two-hour class does require registration and is $40.
Aprons will be provided at both events.
4409 Main St.
(267) 331-8949