May 24, 2024
Three paddleboarders and a dog float on the water at Bayview Park in Long Beach Township in 2022.
Long Beach Township is divided into noncontiguous areas, providing visitors with different experiences in each one — from the southern end of Holgate, which is mostly made up of wildlife preserve, to the northern-most High Bar Harbor, which has no beaches and about 400 homes on a lagoon.
While the municipalities are sprinkled along Long Beach Island, buying a beach badge through the township gives you access to all the beaches that are part of Long Beach Township. That includes: High Bar Harbor, Loveladies, North Beach, Brant Beach, Beach Haven Crest, Brighton Beach, Peahala Park, Beach Haven Park, Haven Beach, Beach Haven Terrace, Beach Haven Gardens, Bay Vista, Spray Beach, North Beach Haven, Beach Haven Heights, Silver Sands, Beach Haven Inlet and Holgate.
If you plan to visit Long Beach Township this summer, here's a guide of what to know and where to go:
When you're looking for something to do in Long Beach Township, visit the town's website for a calendar of events. These are some of the highlights taking place during the summer of 2024:
Co-Ed 3 v. 3 Basketball Tournament, June 8: The inaugural event at the Municipal Complex will have two divisions (ages 13-17 and 18 and older) with 16 teams each. Both divisions are co-ed with three or four players per team. It's $100 per team to enter and there will be a cash prizes for first, second and third place in each division.
Firepit Fridays, starting June 28: On Fridays this summer from 7 p.m.-9 p.m., there will be live music and 15 firepits at the 68th Street beach in Brant Beach.
Sunday Concerts at 68th St. Beach, starting June 30: Sunday Fundays return with local bands at Brant Beach from noon-2 p.m. throughout the summer.
Yes. beach tags are required for beachgoers who are 12 and older.
Seasonal beach badges are available for $40 until Saturday, June 15, when prices will rise to $50. Weekly beach tags (Saturday-Friday) will be $20 and daily passes will be $10. Seniors (65 and older) can obtain tags for $5. Veterans can get lifetime passes for free, and active military and their families can go to the beach for free.
Badges can be picked up at 68th Street in Brant Beach or purchased on the beach.
The beach patrol employs nearly 100 badge checkers to walk the 12 miles of beaches. Long Beach Township badges are not valid for Barnegat Light, Harvey Cedars, Surf City, Ship Bottom or Beach Haven Borough. Those municipalities sell their own beach tags.
From June 15 through Labor Day weekend, Long Beach Township beaches are guarded daily between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. Swimming is allowed between the yellow flags and surfing is allowed on all beaches between the blue flags. The Long Beach Township Beach Patrol keeps a list of where lifeguard stands are located on its website.
Dogs are banned on beaches between May 16 and Sept. 30, and it is prohibited to throw, bat or catch balls or fly kites in the protected beach areas where swimming is supervised.
The Beachwheels program, which began in 1992, allows anyone staying at a Long Beach Township address to reserve and use a beach wheelchair at no charge.
More information about Long Beach Township's beach rules, visit the township's website.