Todd Kalas is returning to the city where his father, legendary Phillies broadcaster Harry Kalas, launched his Hall of Fame career in the mid-1960s.
Kalas will call play-by-play for the Houston Astros, the same team Harry covered as a young broadcaster. Harry served on the Astros' broadcast team from 1965 through 1970 before joining the Phillies in 1971, the same year they moved into Veterans Stadium.
In Philadelphia, of course, Harry became one of the city's most beloved personalities, known his baritone voice and famous home run call. Generations of Phillies fans grew up imitating his line "That ball is outta here."
RELATED: Harry Kalas' son gets gig as play-by-play man for Houston Astros
But in Houston, Harry took a different approach. When an Astros player homered, he'd say "that ball is in Astros orbit!"
Take a listen to one such call here, courtesy of Harry is calling a home run hit by Astros center fielder Jimmy Wynn, who homered above a 457-foot sign at Pittsburgh's Forbes Field on July 23, 1967.