January 11, 2015
Fans who went to Friday's Delaware 87ers game expecting to meet Sixers legend Allen Iverson were left searching for an Answer.
Iverson, who was scheduled to hold a meet-and-greet with fans as the Sixers' D-League affiliate took on the Grand Rapids Drive, reportedly canceled last minute.
Some fans, according to delawareonline.com, drove 90 minutes to the University of Delaware's Bob Carpenter Center just for the chance to meet Iverson. Others, however, didn't travel nearly as far, but were equally disappointed ... and not surprised.
It’s a scenario that Jim Lane has become all too familiar with.
“It’s disappointing, but it’s not shocking, though,” Lane said. “It’s kind of expected of him, it seems like.”
Lane has been a Sixers’ fan his whole life, but Friday night was the first 87ers’ game for the Newark native. For him, it was a chance to check out some basketball and see his favorite player in his own backyard.
“It was the reason we got the tickets,” he said. “We were looking forward to it since it’s right down the street from our house. I’ve been a fan of his my whole life, but it’s not shocking that he did it. He’s not very reliable.” [via delawareonline.com]
Those who weren't too upset to stay got treated to a 107-103 win for the 87ers. So they have that going for them. Which is nice.