Wilmore's show replaced the long running and critically acclaimed "Colbert Report" after Stephen Colbert accepted the job to replace David Letterman on "The Late Show." On just his second show, which aired on Jan. 20th, Wilmore went after Cosby for continuing his stand up comedy tour despite recent allegations of sexual assault against the Philadelphia native:
In the Hollywood Reporter interview, Wilmore recounted an experience his mother had with Cosby decades ago which formed his opinion of the comedian. Per the interview:
He was never a hero of mine. I liked Cosby, but I have a different relationship with him than a lot of people because I didn't grow up on The Cosby Show. I grew up on I Spy and Chet Kincaid. I remember in the late '70s, early '80s, my mom met Bill Cosby down in San Diego at this tennis tournament. She came back and said, "We asked him for his autograph, and he was so mean, so nasty. He said, 'I don't do that.' " I was like, "Man, what an a--hole." My opinion of Cosby at that point was like, "What a jerk." I never even watched The Cosby Show. I always thought, "That's great that that show is on," but about him I was like, "Whatever, Cosby."
In the interview, Wilmore also delves in to topics ranging from race in Hollywood to how he got his new show. Read the full interview here.