Jane Austen reading group to meet throughout August

2016 marks the bicentennial of Austen's 'Emma'

In honor of the bicentennial of the novel "Emma," the Rosenbach Museum will host a Jane Austen reading group in August. On the first four Wednesdays of the month the group will meet at 6 p.m.

The price to join is steep -- $250 total -- but the reading group is being treated like a college class. Edward G. Pettit, writer and book reviewer, will act as class professor. 

Since "Emma" is divided into three volumes, the first three classes will focus on a section each.

After reading and discussing "Emma," some of Austen's early works, unpublished in her lifetime, will be looked at in the fourth week. The works will include "Lady Susan," which is the basis for the new Whit Stillman film "Love and Friendship."

Reading group members will also have a chance to see and touch first-edition Austen novels from the Rosenbach's collection.

To register, call (215) 732-1600. Participants should have volume one of "Emma" read by the first class (See, it's just like being back in college. This time though, actually do the readings).

Jane Austen Reading Group

Wednesdays in August
6-7:45 p.m. | $250 to join
Rosenbach Museum
(215) 732-1600