Tickets to this party gets you optimum views and NASA-approved glasses for the solar eclipse

skygarten eclipse
SkyGarten offers views from the 51st floor.
SkyGarten/PUNCH Media

Monday the much-talked about solar eclipse will finally be here, and whether you’ve secured a coveted pair of eclipse-ready glasses or have already forgotten that it’s even occurring, you still have the option to get really committed to viewing the event at SkyGarten's Eclipse Sky Party.

SkyGarten, the bar 51 stories in the air atop Three Logan Square, will no doubt lead way to optimum viewing of the eclipse, which should hit its peak at around 2:44 p.m. The bar will be selling tickets, with NASA-approved glasses, for access throughout the day.

Of course, not all tickets are going to get you the best view from up there. The cheapest option starts at $5, but those will only get you so far, giving you general admission to SkyGarten and the balcony.

“The east balcony south side has great view of the sun, though it eventually passes behind the building. And the south side of the balcony has somewhat restricted occupancy,” the SkyGarten's ticket description reads. “But it will be festive and fun, bar is open with a limited menu.”

There are also $20 tickets that are standing room only on the west side balcony.

Your best bet is to attend in groups of 8 to 10, where you can split the $300-$500 ticket options that get you a table and presumably better seating. Check out the full array of pricing and viewing options on the Eclipse Sky Party ticket page. 

For the occasion, SkyGarten will also offer two specialty cocktails, including the Black Hole Sun, made with bourbon, jäger, triple sec, and orange, and the Cold Side of the Moon, a frozen Schöfferhofer. There will also be moon pies and a double patty Eclipse Burger.

It wouldn’t be a party with out the appropriate tunes, either, so expect a specially-tailored solar eclipse playlist.

The party will be ongoing from noon through 4:00 p.m.