Instagram account reimagines Philly sports logos

Graphic designer incorporates 'The Simpsons,' video games, Disney and more

The Phillies logo redone with the Philly area code.

A designer has given the logos for Philadelphia sports teams a fresh look on his Instagram account. 

Instagram user @ak47_studios, aka graphic designer Mark Avery Kenny, is known for putting unique twists on teams' logos, oftentimes recreating each team in a league with a different look based on a certain theme.

Most recently, Kenny redid every MLB team logo by incorporating the city's area code. Here's the Phillies logo with "215" mixed in:

Kenny has done plenty of redesigns like this in the past. Here's the Philadelphia logos he's created:

Allen Iverson "Practice" logo:

Vide Games/NBA: Philadelphia Bust-A-Movers:

Disney/NFL: Donald the Philadelphia Eagle:

Star Wars/MLB: Phillies/General Grievous:

The Simpsons/NHL: Broad Street Bullies:

Like what you see? You can stick out at the next home game and buy a shirt sporting one of Kenny's logos at Tee Cartel