IBX: The Cover Story Podcast: Winning Employees Over with Wellness

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IBX: The Cover Story is a monthly podcast featuring timely, relevant conversations about the most important topics in health. The podcast is hosted by Peter Panageas, Senior Vice President and Market President of National Markets at Independence Blue Cross (IBX).

Countless studies have proven that employees want their employer to offer workplace well-being programs. In this episode, host Peter Panageas invites Vicki Amon, HR Program Manager of Well-being at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) and Joselito Huertas, who leads IBX's onsite and virtual fitness programs in his role at Exos. The two give great insights into what makes a successful workforce well-being program, how they had to shift as a result of the pandemic, and their personal experiences with health and wellness.


• Navigating the Difficult Challenges of Alzheimer's, Part 2
Navigating the Difficult Challenges of Alzheimer's, Part I
• Taking Action to Advance Health Equity
Cultivating Purpose & Meaningful Relationships in Business
• My Family Doctor Saved My Life
Finding Optimism in a Breast Cancer Diagnosis
Workplace Changes and the Impacts on Behavioral Health
Reflecting on Pride Month 
• Celebrate Caring — Honoring our nation's nurses
How will this story end?
• The post-pandemic office: What will it look like?
Talking Telemedecine

Also available on: Apple Podcasts | Stitcher | iHeartRadio | Libsyn