How safe is your commute? Check with this new tool!

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The good news first...the chances are low that you will be injured in a car accident. No hyperbole, no screaming headlines, no nonsense.

The insurance industry estimates (pinch of salt recommended) that the average person will file a claim for a collision about once every 17.9 years. This guess doesn’t actually take into account the reality that the actual probability of an accident depends on miles driven, frequency of trips, age, experience, safety features, driving ability, urban vs. rural roads, and much more.

So, to help the Philly community stay out of the nasty business of insurance claims, The Levin Firm put together this interactive tool so you can check your routes and avoid the zones that tend to have the most accidents. And, if you’ve been unlucky to have been involved in an accident, then check how the police recorded your incident by zooming into the exact location.

We’re in the business of helping the unlucky ones, the victims of car accidents in Philadelphia and this tool is our way of giving back to our home town and also supporting good journalism.

We hope you are the exception and never have to contact us , but if you need help, check out the free advice and tips on our law firm website on what to do (and not to do) in the event of a car accident.

Finally, the first 10 people to send us a message through our website contact form using code SAFETYMAR18 will be entered into a contest to win gadgets and gizmos (eg. a dashcam) to help enhance the safety of you and your family.

Drive safe! --Gabriel Levin, Philadelphia Personal Injury Attorney at The Levin Firm