How to reduce inflammation naturally

Woman with inflammation on steps

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Inflammation, or swelling, doesn’t just happen after a twisted ankle or scraped knee. It’s also happening internally, often playing a vital role in nature’s reflexive healing process —fighting infections, healing injuries, and building muscle growth with exercise.

Inflammation becomes dangerous, however, when it’s chronic and unwarranted— often the result of an overcompensating immune system. While the reason for this immune system flaw is sometimes unknown to doctors and scientists, often it’s a result of poor diet, insufficient exercise, excess weight, stress, or an underlying autoimmune disease.

Unsurprisingly, the link between chronic inflammation and serious illness has been met with a surge of trendy remedies, each claiming to fight inflammation, improve longevity, and optimize well-being. With so many fad products hitting the market, it’s hard to know what actually improves the body’s regulation of inflammation.

Here are a few ways to navigate these trends and reduce inflammation effectively and naturally.

Diet changes

What a person eats significantly impacts the levels of inflammation in the body. While some foods, like refined carbohydrates, fried foods, salty foods, soda, and red meat contribute to inflammation, others have powerful anti-inflammatory effects. Doctors and scientists agree that people looking to reduce or prevent chronic inflammation should eat the following:

• Tomatoes
• Olive oil
• Leafy greens (such as spinach, kale, and collard greens)
• Nuts
• Fatty fish
• Fruit (such as strawberries, blueberries, cherries, and oranges)
• Coffee

Many of these foods are high in antioxidants, and they should all be free of chemicals and preservatives. Not only will this diet help reduce and prevent inflammation (and chronic illness), it can have a positive effect on physical and mental health.

Lifestyle changes

Even if a person eats a diet full of anti-inflammatory foods, other habits may still contribute to chronic inflammation. To make sure the fight against inflammation is well-rounded, doctors suggest the following lifestyle changes:

  1. Always get enough sleep. Studies suggest that inflammation in the body is directly related to the amount and quality of sleep a person gets. When sleep suffers, the body’s inflammatory response starts to overwork—turning against healthy tissues and organs.
  2. Implement a consistent exercise routine. Not only will this help stimulate weight loss and mood improvement, research finds that people who did at least two and a half hours of moderate exercise each week reduced inflammation by at least twelve percent.
  3. Practice stress reduction through yoga, tai chi, or meditation. In a recent review of thirty-four studies, researchers concluded that “ mind-body therapies reduce markers of inflammation.”

Improve gut health

The gut plays a huge role in the immune system. If the gut is lacking in beneficial bacteria populations, the immune system responds with chronic inflammation and subsequent inflammatory diseases. While an anti-inflammatory diet definitely improves gut health, a variety of other factors impact the gut microbiome and consequential inflammation. Here are a few tips for improving gut health to reduce inflammation:

  1. Try all-natural probiotics. High-quality, organic probiotics deliver a vast variety of beneficial organisms to the gut. This helps balance the “good” bacteria with the “bad” bacteria, ultimately boosting the immune system and improving overall health.
  2. Use microbe depleters sparingly only after having a discussion with your doctor. This includes NSAIDs, antacids, and antibiotics, which threaten the existence of healthy bacteria in the gut and compromise the body’s ability to regulate inflammation.

Implementing all of these changes can drastically reduce inflammation and decrease a person’s risk for life-threatening illness. A person experiencing the negative health effects of chronic inflammation should make a plan with their doctor to be sure they’re taking the most appropriate steps for their body.

This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The information on this web site is for general information purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or health care provider on any matters relating to your health.