How to pack the perfect first-aid kit


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From bug bites to cuts and scrapes, minor injuries are bound to happen when you’re on the go outdoors. Having a first-aid kit ready for when you need it should always be a priority as you prepare for outdoor fun.

     Follow these three simple tips to help you stock the perfect first-aid kit:

  1. Customize your kit. There are plenty of recommendations on what to keep in a basic first-aid kit and you can even buy them already assembled. But what makes it truly useful is when you customize your emergency kit based on you and your family’s personal needs and activities. Some ideas include medications (epinephrine injection, insulin), emergency phone numbers, and important health information. Or a bike repair kit if you like to ride. Oh, and if your kids are of the furry type, add some extra supplies for them too. Pets need emergency kits too!
  2. Keep it handy. Your first aid kit doesn’t do you any good if it’s not easily accessible, so think about the best place to keep it. It could be in your home, your car, at work — or you can have several that you keep in different places. You may want a small one for your purse, diaper bag, or your bike, and a larger one for your home or car.
  3. Keep it up-to-date. This seems impossible — until you put a reminder in your phone. Do it right now! Set a reminder to check your first aid kit regularly — maybe twice a year, or at the beginning of each season since your supplies may change. Make sure you replace anything that’s expired, check batteries on flashlights or other electronics, and add anything that’s seasonally appropriate (like sunscreen and mosquito repellant).

Basic First Aid Kit Supplies

Use this first-aid kit list as a guide when preparing for emergencies:

• Antiseptic wipes
• Antibiotic ointment
• Sterile gauze pads
• Adhesive tape
• Hand sanitizer
• Sterile eye wash
• Latex gloves
• Instant cold pack
• Safety pins
• Thermometer
• Seasonal items (i.e., Bug spray, sunscreen, ice scraper)
• Eye shield or pad
• Blanket
• Lists of emergency phone numbers
• Flashlight
• Matches
• Pen and paper
• Whistle

If you’re on the go, make sure you can find doctors, retail clinics, and urgent care centers wherever you are. Download the free IBX app for iPhone and Android devices. It also gives you access to your health info and medications if you’re an IBX member, so that’s one less thing to pack in your kit! And don’t forget, you should always carry your health insurance ID card in your wallet – just as you would your driver’s license or credit cards.

This article was originally published on IBX Insights.

About Susan Rossman

Does writing count as exercise? Then my fingers are in great shape! As a senior copywriter at IBX, I've learned a lot about how health insurance works and how it can help me stay healthy. My goal is to share this knowledge with others in a fun and engaging way.