Distance learning resources by the Alliance for Watershed Education of the Delaware River
Alliance for Watershed Education/for PhillyVoice
by Alliance for Watershed Education
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As we ease into more relaxed restrictions during the pandemic, you may now
take a hike, bike, kayak or fish in New Jersey, Pennsylvania
and Delaware state and some
county parks, with certain restrictions that differ wherever you may be, so
please check before you go. For those craving nature while hunkering down,
there are plenty of opportunities to connect with the outdoors without
leaving home. Through virtual programming for adults and children, you can
learn about migratory birds and butterflies, meet the animals that live in
our forests and rivers, and learn how rain barrels in your backyard can
help reduce stormwater pollution.
Alliance for Watershed Education of the Delaware River (AWE) environmental
education centers are bringing nature directly to you by offering a
smorgasbord of mostly free, fun and eco-conscious virtual programming for
every family member to enjoy. AWE centers’ online programs and videos are
frequenting updated at
watershedalliance.org, and see highlights below.
Doryån de Angel/Alliance for Watershed Education
AWE virtual programming for the family
• Learn about the creatures you can find in and along the Delaware River,
including a mayfly nymph, a giant swallowtail butterfly, and fly-fishing
lures pretending to be creepy-crawly river friends as you color them in on
these awesome coloring sheets
offered by Independence Seaport Museum.
• Hunt for a bear
with Shannon at the Heritage Conservancy as she discovers
and identifies all sorts of animal tracks in the woods.
• Meet a turtle
and a
with Park Rangers Kelly and Bri at the John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge Center.
• Meet a plated lizard
at the Center for Aquatic Sciences at Adventure Aquarium.
Center for Aquatic Sciences/Alliance for Watershed Education
• The Fairmount Water Works Interpretive Center offers
educators and home-schooling parents curriculum
on water-themed activities,
as well as the magic of the Mighty Mussel.
This is just a sample of online activities and educational videos offered
by AWE Centers. Check out the full list by
AWE virtual programming for adults
• Wednesday mornings, through to June 23rd 10:00 to 11:00 am
Want to learn something new while enjoying your morning coffee? Tune in
every Wednesday morning at 10:00 to The Nature Conservancy in Delaware and
The Nature Conservancy in Pennsylvania's
“Coffee Series”
featuring an expert on a different topic each week. With topics ranging
from eagles to wildflowers & stream stewards to fire programs, watch
episodes anytime-- just bring your coffee or tea!
To register for an upcoming webinar CLICKHERE.
• The Watershed Institute’s
lunchtime webinars
focus on core topics related to water quality, water conservation, wildlife
and habitat enhancement, and education. To register for an upcoming
• The magnificent refuge trails at John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge at Tinicum are open,
however some parking lots are inaccessible at this time. Check before you go.
Their Facebook page is
host to live #HeinzatHome virtual programs every Tuesday and Thursday at 1:00 pm!
• The John James Audubon Center at Mill Grove and
Philadelphia’s new Discovery Center may be closed, but
find avian inspiration HERE, and
myriad teacher’s guides HERE.
• Join other curious readers on literary adventures in thePage Flippers Book Club hosted by the Center for Aquatic Sciences at Adventure Aquarium .
Together we will read a variety of books that focus on environmental
themes, conservation issues, or animal antics. For more information,
Check back frequently for an updated list of online offerings