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January 03, 2022

Home improvements that help encourage a healthier lifestyle

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You’ve probably heard that “home is where the heart is.” Home is also where health begins; the ways you set up, improve, and live in your home have a lot to do with the overall lifestyle you lead. If you’re looking to make changes to become healthier, your home is a great place to start.

From small changes in your décor to large renovation projects, here are five great ways you can improve your home to lead a healthier lifestyle.

1. Addition by subtraction

When you think about home improvements, the first thing that might come to mind is a large, expensive project. But some of the easiest — and best — improvements you can make simply involve removing items from your home that detract from your health.

If you have a TV in your bedroom, consider moving it to a different room. Watching TV in bed prevents your mind from winding down, making it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep. You can also relocate your phone charger to ensure the device attached to it is not keeping you awake all night. Do you have a second refrigerator in your basement filled with frozen foods? Letting it go may encourage you to eat more fresh foods and keep less processed items in the house. These things may seem small, but they can add up in a big way over time.

2. Decorative elements

There are plenty of small decorative improvements you can make quickly and easily. Lighting contributes a lot to having a healthy home: well-lit areas reduce strain on your eyes, and a bright welcoming room can help improve your mood and energy. Plants can have a similar impact while also providing the benefit of additional oxygen in your home, which can promote improved cardiovascular health. And if you choose plants that do double duty in the kitchen, such as herbs or small produce plants, they can be used to create healthier meals.

3. Kitchen improvements

Speaking of healthier meals, nothing inspires better eating at home quite like a kitchen renovation. This improvement is more of a commitment than adjusting furniture, but if your goal is to cook at home more often, the right setup and appliances can help you do just that.

Preparing your own fresh food is much better for you than eating preserved and frozen items or takeout. A revamped kitchen can motivate you to do more cooking, and the challenge of learning to use a new space and tools can make preparing healthy meals a fun activity instead of a chore.

4. Outdoor spaces

Fresh air is good for all of us. If you’re going to make some home improvements, anything that encourages you to spend more time outside is money well spent. Develop outdoor spaces that are multi-use; for example, constructing a deck with elevated plant beds will encourage more time outdoors, increase your heart rate while gardening, and ensure there’s plenty of bounty for healthy eating indoors. For those with larger backyards and the budget to spare, a swimming pool may be an improvement worth considering. Swimming is one of the best full-body workouts for your health and provides hours of outdoor fun for the entire family.

If you do improve the outdoor areas of your home, just make sure to create a shaded area to prevent excessive exposure to the sun.

5. Home gym

It’s always worth considering the most obvious healthy improvement: the home gym. The easier you can make it to exercise frequently the better, and turning a spare bedroom or basement into a designated workout area can accomplish just that.

A well-equipped home gym involves more than just buying some weights and a cardio machine. Invest in equipment you will want to use and be sure to consider additional elements for the gym that will enhance its use, such as good ventilation, durable flooring, quality lighting for safety, and mirrors to ensure good form.

Consider all the time you spend in your home, especially during the winter season. If home really is where your heart is, taking on one of these improvement projects is a very heart-healthy choice.

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