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November 24, 2015

Help create holiday cards for the homeless

Sunday Breakfast Rescue Mission continues annual tradition

Holiday shopping season might be in full swing, but there are more ways to participate in the season of giving than simply buying gifts. This year, make someone's day a little brighter by participating in Sunday Breakfast Rescue Mission's annual holiday card drive. 

Each year, they give out a handwritten holiday card to anyone who stays at Sunday Breakfast on Christmas Eve or eats with them on Christmas Day. The thoughtful cards are meant to bring encouragement and holiday cheer to the mission's homeless residents - but someone has to make the cards, first!

That's where you come in. Sunday Breakfast, which ministers to the needs of Philly's homeless and disadvantaged, is looking for Philadelphians to create cards and send them to their mailing address: P.O. Box 297, Philadelphia, PA 19105-0297

Cards can come in any shape or size, but a personal note of encouragement, to make each recipient feel loved, is a must. Handmade cards (over store-bought ones) are always more exciting to receive, too!

All Sunday Breakfast asks is that you post your cards to their P.O. Box by Tuesday, Dec. 15, to ensure their on-time arrival. 

Need some DIY inspiration for your cards? HGTV, Martha Stewart, Paper Source, Curbly and Pinterest are all great resources for crafty ideas. 
