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May 01, 2020

Healthy choices for late-night snack cravings

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Late-night snacking has always had a bad reputation for derailing healthy diets and packing on the pounds. But contrary to popular belief, enjoying a healthy late-night snack is generally harmless. In fact, a late-night snack actually can help boost low blood sugar levels, which is a big concern for those living with diabetes.

Most nutritionists agree that you should listen to your body when it gives off signs of hunger – even late at night. This is because hunger pains can make it harder to stay asleep. Just be sure to avoid foods that are fatty, greasy or spicy because they can cause heartburn and indigestion, which also can keep you up at night.

Looking for some ideas to feed those midnight cravings? Here are six healthy late-night snacks to consider:

1. Edamame

Edamame is a crunchy vegetable that can appease your craving for chips when you sprinkle a pinch of salt on top. It’s also a good source of tryptophan, an amino acid that helps you sleep.

2. Banana with almond butter

This quick snack is packed with just enough protein and fat to help balance your blood sugars without filling up on unnecessary calories.

3. Whole grain crackers and cheese

Whole-grain crackers have a high fiber content and cheese is a good source of protein.

4. Cereal with milk

As long as you stay away from sugary cereals, this breakfast favorite is perfect for a quick midnight snack. Just be sure to look for a low-sugar cereal with seeds and nuts.

5. Berries

Berries are the perfect alternative when you’re craving sweets. They’re also a great source of healthy antioxidants and magnesium, an essential nutrient.

6. Fresh fruits, veggies, and nuts

Any appropriately-sized combination of fresh fruits, vegetables and nuts can work as a light, late-night snack. Filled with vitamins, minerals, protein, and healthy carbs and fat, they can be enjoyed without any feelings of guilt.

The most important thing to remember is that it’s all about balance. Even healthy foods can have a negative impact on your health when you eat too much of them. Stick to smaller portions when feeding your late-night cravings. Your body will thank you in the morning.

Looking for additional guidance? A dietitian can help you develop an eating plan that fits with your dietary needs and snacking habits.

Information on this site is provided for informational purposes and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or other medical professional. You should not use the information contained herein for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing any medication. If you have, or suspect that you have, a medical problem, promptly contact your health care provider.

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