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November 14, 2016

A guilt-free Thanksgiving treat: coconut cranberry oatmeal muffins

11142016_muffins2 Christie Mandia/For PhillyVoice

Make sure you let the muffins cool at least 5 minutes before eating. The finished product is both beautiful and delicious.

I was staring at a bowl of brown bananas a few weekends ago when I decided it was time to try to turn them into the healthy “banana oatmeal muffins” that I had seen so many times on Instagram. Essentially, the smashed bananas work as your base and your sugar.

You add a few simple ingredients, which you can choose yourself, and you have a DELICIOUS seasonal treat that isn’t bad for you (when eaten in the proper quantities). These muffins are so amazing, hot out of the oven and even refrigerated…I promise you won’t regret giving them a try!

Coconut Cranberry Oatmeal Muffins

Prep time: 10 min

Cook time: 25 minutes (350 degrees); 10 minutes (cool down)

Total time: 45 minutes

What You’ll Need:

• 4-5 ripe bananas (browning)

• 2-3 cups dry oatmeal

• 1 cup shredded coconut

• 1 cup dried cranberries

• 2-3 teaspoons cinnamon

• Maple syrup (to drizzle)

• Muffin liners or organic oil spray

I took the bananas that I hadn’t used during the week, peeled them, and put them in a bowl. I mashed the bananas and stirred until their consistency became like batter. I then folded in the oatmeal, one cup at a time. Lastly, I added the cinnamon, cranberries and shredded coconut. Stir until the batter looks well blended.

Christie Mandia/For PhillyVoice

Muffin ingredients: ripe bananas, shredded coconut, dried cranberries and gluten-free oatmeal. (Not pictured, cinnamon and maple syrup.)

Then, scoop evenly into muffin tin. Either grease the pan with a small amount of your oil of choice, or use muffin liner cups for a no-stick finish.

Christie Mandia/For PhillyVoice

Try to distribute the batter as evenly as possible throughout the muffin cups so cook times do not vary.

Bake the muffins at 350 degrees for 25 minutes or until your knife comes out of the center of the muffin cleanly. Be sure to let cool if you are not using muffin liners, so they are completely solidified.

Drizzle with a little bit of maple syrup and a dash of cinnamon and voila! You have a healthy delicious treat the whole family will enjoy. Try your own spin on it and add peanut butter, chocolate chips, or whatever else sparks your imagination. Enjoy!

I hope you enjoy this recipe as much as I do.

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