Presidential candidate Donald Trump's rise to GOP stardom in 2015, whether because of or in spite of his insulting just about everyone everywhere, found a natural place on the information super highway.
As the debates and sound bites picked up over the months, many people experienced a cycle of reactions to Trump news, from recoiling and doubling over in laughter to a sort of queasy acknowledgement that 35 percent of Republicans currently back the business guru. Even if he never becomes president, his boisterous attitudes have a supportive ear among a sizable slice of the American public.
And that was all before 2016 even started.
Fortunately, Google, forever innovating, has you covered if you're in desperate need of a world without endless coverge of Donald Trump. According to the Washington Times, there's a new Google Chrome extension that will allow you to "erase Donald Trump from the Internet."
Developer Rob Spectre describes Trump Filter as follows:
In a culture fueled by celebrity and an electorate engineered for polarity, how can any one in these United States of America be surprised by the campaign of Donald J. Trump? Minted by shady back room real estate, distributed by reality television and crowned by incessant polling of ultra-early primary voters, Trump is the latest, hilarious permutation of American leadership. He is not the candidate we need, but surely the one we deserve.
In a political atmosphere where ascendance can be manufactured through attention, the only way to deflate Trump's political star is through suffocation. Trump can only lose if we turn off the TV.
Thus, the Trump Filter is presented as part of the antidote for this toxic candidacy. This Chrome extension will identify parts of a web page likely to contain Donald Trump and erase them from the Internet.
Spectre says he created the app out of his own sense of political duty and is not profiting from its use. Those who download Trump Filter set it to Mild, Aggressive or Vindictive.
The issue, unfortunately, is that reviewers are giving the app just 3.5 stars and complaining that it blocks out giant swaths of the Internet even at the mild setting. Some are also reporting that it slows their browser down.
So, left with few options, Americans who oppose Donald Trump may now have to actually participate in the democratic process if they want to ensure that he does not get elected President of the United States.