More Culture:

February 27, 2016

Germany Hill to perform tonight in Manayunk

Events Music
02272016_germany_hill_WCL Photo courtesy/Germany Hill

Germany Hill, a local original band, played the World Cafe Live earlier in February. Tonight they perform at the Dawson Street Pub in Manayunk.

Germany Hill, a local all-original band, will be the opening act at the Dawson Street Pub in Manayunk on Saturday, Feb. 27 at 9 p.m. The band, led by Joe McAvoy and Felix Fitzsimmons, will open for The Conshohocken Curve. They will play selections from their debut CD and new songs. $5 cover. 

Germany Hill in concert

Saturday, Feb. 27
9 p.m. | $5 cover
Dawson Street Pub
100 Dawson St., Manayunk
(215) 482-5677
