12-hour dance party set to benefit FringeArts

FringeA-Thon is 'like a marathon, only fun'

Registration for FringeA-Thon is currently open. The 12-hour dance party raises funds to benefit the arts, specifically FringeArts.

"It’s like a marathon, only fun,” FringeArts president and producing director Nick Stuccio jokes. 

“We’ll have amazing dancers, live acts, DJs and spontaneous events to surprise and dazzle. What makes me most excited is the idea of bridging the gap between professional dance practitioners and people that just love to dance.”

Hear that? No need to be a trained dancer; those with two left feet on the dance floor are more than welcome. 

The FringeArts dance marathon will take place on May 20 at Blue Cross RiverRink. Registration is $25 per person. Once registered, participants should set a fundraising goal. The suggestion is $300. 

"World-class cities need world-class culture," states the 2017 FringeA-Thon press release. 

"Dancing at FringeA-Thon directly supports the contemporary art and artists that make Philadelphia a world-class city, and will help fill our community with daring artistic performances, international legends and local pioneers."


Saturday, May 20
Noon to midnight | $25 individual registration
Blue Cross RiverRink
101 S. Christopher Columbus Blvd.