May 09, 2017
Sadie, a mini-donkey rescued by the Pennsylvania SPCA in January, gave birth to a baby mini-donkey on Sunday, May 7, 2017. The animal-welfare agency held a contest to name its newest friend.
The sanctity of elections is one of the foundations of America.
Whatever. I want to stuff the ballot box on this one. I think you'll be with me once I have a chance to explain why.
Sadie, a mini-donkey rescued by the Pennsylvania SPCA in Huntington County, gave birth to a (pretty much) healthy, happy, baby mini-donkey right here in Philadelphia on Sunday.
That an animal was born within the city limits isn't all that newsworthy. But this one's a rather special event, and it comes complete with a very special opportunity for us all.
Here’s a little bit about that momentous occasion courtesy of the PSPCA’s Gillian Kocher:
Sadie was rescued by our Humane Law Enforcement officers alongside another mini-donkey, Romeo, from a farm in Huntington County in January after her owners seemingly vanished.
Along with a cow, a goat, chickens, roosters and two beagles, Sadie and Romeo had been left, starving, to fend for themselves. Concerned neighbors called our cruelty hotline, and our officers came to the rescue.
Upon medical examination, we discovered that Sadie had a secret – she was pregnant. With a donkey’s gestation period anywhere from 11-14 months, we didn’t know when she’d give birth, only that Sadie could deliver as early as March or as late as June. Cameras were installed in Sadie’s barn at our Erie Avenue headquarters so we could monitor her 24/7 with our medical staff taking hourly overnight shifts.
Finally, this Sunday, Sadie’s baby boy arrived. Likely a result of her early neglect, Sadie’s baby, though very handsome, has a few health complications, including some that require blood transfusions. He will need supplemental feedings, and many more medical procedures, but we are confident he will grow up to be a beautiful healthy boy.
This is great news for everybody in the mini-donkey community and beyond.
But what’s even greater news for everybody from sea to shining sea is how the PSPCA has opened up the mini-donkey naming process to the segment of the voting public that’s willing to chip in $5 to help raise money for medical care. (The contribution will enter you into a drawing for the chance to meet the baby mini-donkey, too!)
A baby mini-donkey was born at the PSPCA's Philadelphia shelter on Sunday, May 7, 2017. Aw, it's so darn cute!
There are five options, but one rises above the rest as the one that the baby mini-donkey should be named.
Sure, Georgie, Van, J.R. (Romeo Jr.) and Lucky are fine names.
But Lil’ Sebastian is a transcendent name, an homage to the finest mini-horse from Pawnee, Indiana.
If that doesn't resonate with you, you're obviously not a fan of the “Parks and Recreation” television show, on which a mini-horse by that name won the hearts and souls of all with whom it interacted before its untimely death.
So, here are some Lil’ Sebastian highlights from the erstwhile NBC sitcom:
In any event, please go pull the “Lil’ Sebastian” lever on the PSPCA’s site. It is the right thing to do.