Five mental health goals to commit to this year

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January 1 isn't the only time we’re presented with a fresh opportunity to make meaningful, long-lasting changes to our lives. This year, think beyond resolutions to start a gym membership or a promise to cut back on carbs. Making commitments related to your mental health can offer benefits that are wide-ranging, and can feel achievable on a daily basis. 

Here are five mental health goals to put on your list at any time throughout the year, as well as some pro tips to help keep you on track.

1. Practice meditation or relaxation daily

One way to improve your mental health is to carve out some time every day to meditate or practice relaxation. Meditation has been shown to reduce stress, improve memory and attention span, and even decrease blood pressure. Ideally, you should find time each day to just sit with your thoughts and work on meditating, but committing to just a minutes per day, a few days per week can help you get started.

Pro tip: Schedule 5-10 minutes three days a week on your calendar for 30 days to form the habit; download a meditation app to help get yourself going.

2. Improve your diet and exercise

Maintaining a healthy diet and committing to a regular fitness regimen aren’t just great for your physical health — they can improve your mental health, too! Exercise in particular has a big impact on anxiety and depression; these two things will help you feel better about yourself and give you a nice endorphin boost that helps your mental health.

Pro tip: Pick a new cuisine to master this year, and build your meal plans around it; do the same with a new activity, such as walking, swimming, or a sport.

3. Take sleep seriously

You might think that “more sleeping” is the easiest resolution on this list, but serious sleep requires more than just getting into bed earlier and hitting “snooze” in the morning. Spend less time on your phone before bed, stick to a schedule no matter what day of the week or time of the year, and keep your bedroom dark, cool, and disruption-free at bedtime. These practices will set you up to start each day rested and ready to go.

Pro tip: Set yourself up for success. Choose a weekend to work on your bedroom. Move your phone charger and TV. Get darkening shades, and ensure you have the right temperature for sleep.

4. Embrace positivity

Positive emotions are good for you! It’s important to surround yourself with things that will help enhance a positive attitude. Start by eliminating as many things in your life that drive negativity as possible. Then, actively seek out the activities or people who provide a positive boost in your life. You’ll be amazed to see how your outlook on life changes.

Pro tip: Cut back on social media this year. Social networks may impact your mental health negatively, and a break can give you a chance to refresh.

5. Enjoy the outdoors

Just being outside can have a huge impact on your mental health. Fresh air and sunlight can improve your mood, and if you combine it with a social activity or exercise, you can meet multiple health goals at once.

Pro tip: Get outside at least once every day, even if it’s just to walk around the block.

These healthy habits may feel hard to stick to at first, but the more you repeat them, the easier they’ll become, and the effect will compound across all aspects of your health.